First thing first. I would like to wish all muslims,
These few days of mine was a bit hectic, with the last preparations for Eid and all. So, yeah. Raya is the most important thing in my mind right now. I want to enjoy it to its fullest. May Allah bless this Syawal and accept our fasting and ibadahs in Ramadhan. Insya-Allah. Amin.
To my dear blog readers and friends, I would like to apologize sincerely from the bottom of my heart, if I've ever created or sparked any bad or uncomfortable feelings in you. Sorry and may I be forgive for whatever wrongdoings I've did this whole time of knowing anyone of you. May Allah forgive us and let us change towards the better. Allahu Akhbar. =)
P/S : Even though it's Raya festive, don't forget your prayers and watch over your diet okie? Take care. :D
"Whatever career you may choose for yourself - doctor, lawyer, teacher - let me propose an avocation to be pursued along with it. Become a dedicated fighter for civil rights. Make it a central part of your life. It will make you a better doctor, a better lawyer, a better teacher. It will enrich your spirit as nothing else possibly can. It will give you that rare sense of nobility that can only spring from love and selflessly helping your fellow man. Make a career of humanity. Commit yourself to the noble struggle for human rights. You will make a greater person of yourself, a greater nation of your country and a finer world to live in."
I have not blogged for the past few weeks already. My life have been filled with busyness from the moment I started working till today and still the busyness will prolong till the day I head to Eire, I'm pretty sure. I wonder will it extend until the day I return to Malaysia? I hope not. Pfffttt. =.='
Alright! Enough crapping. Lets get straight to the point, shall we?
By right, today is already the 26th of August. Four more days of Ramadhan, and we'll celebrate our long awaited Eid Mubarak. I do not sound thrilled, do I? Curious to know why? Hurm. This is why...
My brother will be getting married on the 2nd September in Kuching. I will only be able to celebrate Eid in KL for TWO days, and then I'm off to Sarawak until the 6th. Upon returning in KL, I will be busy packing for my next longgggg journey. This is when I really must stay strong. ='( ALL THIS IN SUCH A SHORT TIME! I'm very very very depressed when I come to think of the day it will be at the airport.
People had been saying, "Oh you're independent, you're strong, you're brave". Only God knows how weak and dependent I will be when I'm away from my family! Argh. ~.~
P/S : I've been depressed, sad, exhausted, crazy and kinda feel like a loner these few weeks. So, yeah. Breaking it all up and getting my Raya mood soon. Insya-Allah. Ramadhan had been testing much on my patience. Insya-Allah, Allah has His plans of doing so. I've pickup a lot on Life ever since these problems arise. Thankful, but still I feel stressed out. May Allah ease my Life. Amin. =)
Lets spare some of our time to watch this useful video shall we? I assure you, much benefits will be gained, despite of the fact that the video is quite a long one. Something useful are to be shared and spread after all, aite? Insya-Allah. :)
How to stay productive during Ramadhan? Three main items : Focus, Energy and Balance.
INTENTION is a very very very important thing in everything of Life. Insya-Allah, with a good and right intention, we'll live a good life. :)
TIME. Discard the unnecessary items, the distractions that takes much of our time in our daily life. We don't actually do much in one day, do we? Yes, distraction fill much of our life (mine too!). So, ponder for awhile, what have we done in a week, a month, a year? And how much of the time are filled with distractions and not quality time with Allah The Almighty? Astaghafirullah. This is a reminder for myself and maybe this could be for you too. So, try to make your days more productive okie? :)
From this video, there are a few great tips that drew my attention into it. One of it was, the Sleep cycle part and the POWER NAP! :DDD Please watch it and I give you 300% assurance that you'll never regret watching it. The first part was quite slow, yes. But as you proceed beyond time 12.36, you'll be WOW-ed like me! Haha. =O!
I want to share a little about the power nap part here. Hee. You just have to spend about 20minutes of your time to gain about 4hours' sleep time. That's cool right?! Just sit and relax, close your eyes and try to relax our body and mind, free yourself from any work. After 20mins, you'll feel fresher than ever! I've really tried it, during before Zohor, it really works! This is also the Sunnah of Rasulullah (pbuh). Lets try this out and you will have the rest of the day filled with energy. Insya-Allah. :DDD
Insya-Allah. Hope this entry of mine and the video could assist all of us towards a better and more productive Ramadhan. Insya-Allah. Amin. ;)
P/S : We are almost reaching half of Ramadhan. Much challenges had been faced by me, my family and my friends. May Allah give us the strength and patience to endure the remaining Ramadhans. Insya-Allah. :)
Stay strong friends. Especially FT! I want the cheeky, cheerful dude back! ='(
Finally! I've end my part-time working days (bubye TGV ='( I will miss you!) and am back to the social buzzing world. Sorry for abandoning you, dear bloggie. ='/
Goodbye TGV! ='(
Sorry that I've been busy for the past month and not replying much of my friends' text on phone or chat messages on facebook. Sorry guys. I've been really busy and tired of work. A million, trillion and gazillion sorry! +.+
Here I am today. Free of work. BUT! Am not free of things to be settled. Tons of stuffs to do. I would say, it is a preparation for the "short" trip to somewhere far away. Nahhh. Lets not get there. I will be emo-ish when I talk about this. I really don't feel like leaving, you know. ='(
Anyways. At least today, I've bought my stationary and my study needs (books and dissecting kit). The rest? I'm still waiting for my offer letter from them, dude. It's almost mid August, yet I only have the agreement forms in hand. Pfffttt. Seems like I would have to rush things within this week, before I attend the pre-departure programme in Penang and in KL. And YEAH, it's gonna be another busy week for me!
I wonder when will I have proper rest at home and enjoy them slowly? Plus, my brother is getting married this Raya, and that adds to the busyness schedule. ='( I need a break. Please. =.='
Today marks the last day of the first 10 Ramadhans. Insya-Allah. May Allah give us blessing for the next 19 days of Ramadhan. Amin. :)
Awwww! I miss you guys already! The last day of work and hope this won't be the last hangout. ='(
P/S : I am already missing my TGV gang. Work wouldn't have been fun without you guys! Thanks for the wonderful experiences! =')