Monday, 30 July 2012
Please move me away from those jahilliyyah acts.
Please cleanse all these completely, Ya Allah.
Please make it tired,
Please make it bitter,
Please make everything jahilliyyah "inedible", Ya Allah.
I am really scared to live on life full of the old me.
Ya Rabb,
Clean away these unnecessary feelings of mine,
These worthless feelings,
These egos,
These angers.
I really don't need them, ever again!
Allahu Allah.
Clear my thoughts.
Clear my vision.
Clear my actions.
Most importantly, clear my heart from blackdots, Ya Allah.
Your sinned Slave who wishes for Jannah. ;|
Friday, 27 July 2012
Change of wind.
Can I stop chasing my dreams in the field of medicine, stop pursuing those dreams of being a medical practitioner, and instead switch to languge or arts studies, in becoming a poet or a photographer or do something related to animals, or perhaps work in the RedBull Racing F1 team???
No? Okay, fine. Bye. :P
P/S : Ignore these random rambles. ^_^v
-via Android mobile Blogger-
Tuesday, 24 July 2012
Saya tidak melanjutkan pelajaran dalam bidang agama atau seumpamanya di Mesir,
Saya hanya insan biasa yang ingin berubah,
Mencari redha Allah.
berhentilah meninggalkan persepsi stigma anda terhadap saya.
Perubahan drastik atau tidak,
Itu hak saya.
Sekian. Moga Allah redha dengan perkara-perkara yang saya ingin lakukan dalam hidup.
Assalamualaikum wbt.
Tuesday, 17 July 2012
WOW! 2012 : Faith Renewing Experience :')
"Say, "If the sea were ink for [writing] the words of my Lord, the sea would be exhausted before the words of my Lord were exhausted, even if We brought the like of it as a supplement."We had talks from Ustaz Hasrizal (Islam Heritage or Choice? & Fiqh Overseas), Ustaz Ridha (The Ambassador), Ustaz Amin (Open Your Eyes), Ustaz Dasuki (Heart Clinic), Brother Shah Kirit (Comparative religion), YB Dr. Halimah Ali (Excellence) and not forgetting the student forum panelists such as Brother Amin, Hazman Baharom (student in University of Manchester), Amalina Zulkiflee (student in University of Southampton). Of course, these are not only the activities in WOW! 2012! :D
Apart from being briefed in talks about life challenges overseas, students were also exposed to the physical and mental games that involves the fiqhs of travelling. For example, the khuf, the wuduk, the solat, the qiblah, halal and haram foods, and etc. Further more, participants were divided into respective groups that focuses on the places/universities they are heading to, and representatives from each universities shared particularly everything the participants wanted to know about the places they are heading to.
But, wait a second, what's so WOW about WOW! 2012???
Yaya! :D |
Ana and Pojah! :D |
I adore them much! :') |
Kira! :D |
Pojah winning Peserta Paling Ceria! :D |
WOW-laweh muslimat goes to Mun! :) |
Nanad! <3 |
Yaya and her koala bear :P |
Tuesday, 10 July 2012
Monday, 9 July 2012
Saturday, 7 July 2012
Ungrateful monster!
Let's reflect upon our hearts. Do we often look too high and never looked down? Be grateful of what you have in life, there are millions of others who doesn't have what you have. ie Palestin, Syria and etc. But this doesn't mean you should not carry out improvements! A reflection of a mirror is all we need. Insya-Allah, may He guide us through this witty place called the dunya. Towards Jannah! Amiin. :)
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I missed this place pretty much! :') |
P/S : Allah never burdens a person out of his abilities. He is the Almighty, the All Knowing. Allahu 'alam. :)
Tuesday, 3 July 2012
PicTime #1
Time flies. These are my pictures since standard one till now. I guess, I didn't change much physically, but mentally, I grew. Alhamdulillah. :')
P/S : Reminiscing those childhood years.
Monday, 2 July 2012
Peace be upon you. Assalamualaikum.
Can't sleep, so figured out to write a little via mobile blogger. :)
My stomach is growling like a thunder. Lol. Hungry late at night, or I suppose it's already early in the morning? Haha. The consequences of not finishing my lunch during the day time. Aseef rice, sorry for not finishing you. ;(
Appetite goes haywire, so does my mood. It went worst these few days. I seem to lose control over myself. My nafs is controlling me. Allah, please cleanse all the sins made, and clean my heart. I want to be strong again, to achieve what I've planned to achieve, this summer in this hometown of mine. Astaghfirullahal 'azim. Forgive me Allah. ;(
Anyway, Nifsu Sya'aban is a few days away. Lets appreciate it while it is still here, while we are still breathing. Lets prepare ourselves for the Holy Ramadhan ahead. Insya-Allah. :')
P/S : 6hours bengkel tomorrow, and I'm still not sleeping. I'm gonna sleep in class tomorrow. ;/